Emoticons, I have found, make you a lazy writer.
I don't use many different emoticons, in fact, I only use three:
:) ;) :(
But recently I have found myself sprinkling them in my emails and comments with abandon. They are useful - you can indicate a sarcastic sentence with a quick ;), or lighten up a criticism with a :). But you cannot always use emoticons (Dear prospective employer ;), I...), and then there is the pesky parantheses problem.Also, since you can't expect people to know the more obscure ones :-{>, you limit yourself. Furthermore, I think I (and everyone else, are you listening, youtube-commenters? [Commenter - obsolete, or so the OED tells me. Commentator is the word.]) should be able to communicate sufficiently well by writing to impart the more complex emotions without resorting to crutches. How, I ask myself, can you develop your writing skills when you are making no effort, you idiot ;)?
To be sure, emoticons have their uses, when you are working with a character-limit for example. But I am trying to wean myself off.
Seriously ;)
1 week ago
Shouldn't that be srlsy? LOL ;)
ReplyDeleteOMG ROFL o_0 etc... ;)
ReplyDeleteMy teenage daughter is a master texter. I've seen a lot of them.