On Saturday, there was this big demonstration of my club. Thanks to the
flu from hell, I couldn't participate since I missed out on training for it. At least that meant I could take pictures.
It was dark, I didn't bring my tripod and I haven't yet bought a image stabilized tele lens, which would have been absolutely necessary.
Are you reading this, dear?
Absolutely necessary, I say!
Well, well, well. I just wanted to add a link a
review of the to the droolworthy Canon 70-200mm f/4 L IS on
Ken Rockwells site (check it out if you are interested in photography tips and/or camera reviews, it's awesome), when I saw that there is a new lens out this october: The Canon EF-S 55-250mm IS (see photo on the left). The zoom range would work perfectly well with my 18-55 zoom,
and it is image stabilized,
and it's only about CHF 350, which is nice when compared to the CHF 1500

you will pay for the 70-200 f/4 IS.
But where is the drawback?
- It is a EF-S, so it only works on Canons small crop factor SLRs, like the 40D, 30D, 20D, 20Da (astronomical), Digital Rebel XTi, Digital Rebel XT and the original Canon Digital Rebel (which I happen to own). So if I ever upgrade to a 1.3 or even full-frame SLR, I would have to buy a new lens.
- You lose a stop at small angles
- There are no reviews out yet
- I am not too sure, but I don't think it uses USM focusing, meaning that you can't override autofocus manually, and it will be a bit slower.
I am going to get one anyway.
Ahh, where was I? Yes, bad image quality. I had to crank up the ISO, and use much too slow shutter speeds, hence graininess and overall blur.
The top picture is of Maître Cann,

who has a school in Bin-Dinh (spelling?), and showed absolutely awesome Taos (or Katas, for the Japanese-minded of you) with the sword, the double-spear and weaponless. This guy can move! He is without doubt the best martial artist I have ever met.
His part was the best of what was an awesome 2 hours of martial arts, and I am looking forward to this evenings training!